The worst mistakes that novice Instagrammers make and how to avoid them

As you may know, Instagram is the leading social network for photo and video sharing, and personal and brand marketers leave no stone unturned to reach 500 million daily active users.

Instagram has been a functioning piece of the advanced world since 2010, yet large numbers of you are new to the stage.  As such, it is only natural to make common Instagram mistakes as a novice Instagrammer.

Don't worry if you've already done some bloopers', because there are ways to overcome them. But don't make them over and over again, as this can seriously affect your user reputation and ultimately your follower numbers.

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Instagram errors that you need to avoid

Here are some Instagram mistakes you shouldn't make at any cost:

With the same name and username

As an Instagram user, you need to know that name and username are two different fields. Your name is the name that appears in your Instagram biography, but your username is the @ name you use. All your posts, likes and comments will be displayed with your Instagram username. More often than not, your username will contain a single lowercase word, unless you choose to use symbols such as periods or underscores.

Your name can have capitalized letters, spaces, images, and basic arranging. Because the two fields are so different, their use should also be different. Even if you or your business has one name, the username must use one name, but your name must have a description or differentiator.

Inappropriate username

One of the worst Instagram mistakes people make is using an inappropriate username - something that doesn't sound like an audience at all. This mistake can completely ruin your Instagram reputation and cause your drill numbers to drop drastically. Sometimes people use Instagram to advertise their business, but their username has some silly variations of their real name. In doing so, they look unusually amateurish and unprofessional.

Therefore, you need to choose your username very carefully. You need to use a word that reflects your personality or business and promotes recognition and remembrance. It can help you paint a more professional, attractive image on the platform.

Turn on "private account"

Some people tend to set up their Instagram account as private. It could be an unintentional Instagram error, but it's definitely important. If you're an individual user and want your pictures and videos to be personal, you can use the private account option. However, it makes no sense for the company as it is meant to be placed on the market.

You could stumble upon any person or company on the platform who might be interested in your business or your offer. By setting your account private, you lose the ability to touch such users. That's why you need to keep your account public so you can increase your follower base and reach potential users.

Leaving the "bio" section blank

Your biography is the first thing your followers will read to learn more about you or your business. Leaving your bio section blank, it is unfortunate that there is a lack of professionalism, creativity and humanity. It does not give your followers an idea of ​​what you are doing and offering. This is one of the worst Instagram errors that an individual user or company can make.

As such, you need to include an expressive and well-written biography in your Instagram profile. This is a great way to explain your business to others and give them an idea of ​​your offer. Make sure your biography is eye-catching, entertaining and descriptive. Doing so can really help mark the platform.

Hashtags are not used correctly

Some people go crazy with hashtags. Yes, hashtags are extremely important, but that doesn't mean you use them everywhere and everywhere. One of the most common Instagram news errors is to mark each name in a post. Not only does this not defeat the goal of finding followers involved, but it also makes you look extremely unprofessional.

The worst part is that some people use snapshots even in their biographies! It is completely unnecessary and useless. You need to stop it now. There is always a better strategy, using a few relevant snapshots that contribute to your SEO efforts. It is best to use three to four snapshots in the news description and up to fifteen references in the first comment.

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Insert low quality images

Instagram is basically an image sharing platform where visuals mean everything. But choosing low-quality images is one of the most common Instagram news mistakes people make. Bad or blurry photos not only look bad, but also show an unprofessional picture of your business or yourself on the platform. Some people do not pay attention to their display image, which can seriously hinder how others perceive you and your business.

You should always try to place aesthetically pleasing images that are color-corrected and well-cropped. You don't have to invest in an expensive camera for this purpose - the phone's camera works great. If you use Instagram for business, you need to make sure the display image matches or is similar to what you use on other platforms if they are clear and well edited.


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